Mit HaWo feiern

Wir feiern HaWo

Pakhi schreibt…

Lieber Freund,
HaWo hat am 27.9.20 seinen Körper auf einer Palliativstation in meinem Beisein verlassen. Das heißt, er hörte einfach das Atmen auf und war bewusst dabei. Stille breitete sich aus. Ich bin immer noch von dieser bewussten Stille erfüllt.
Am Sonntag, den 4. Oktober um 19:00 wollen wir gemeinsam – jeder für sich in seinem Platz – mit HaWo sein. Im Hier und Jetzt ihn ohne Worte spüren und in seine Stille eintauchen. Jeder macht das so, wie er möchte

Wir feiern in HaWos Spirit:
Easy is right!

Es gibt keine gemeinsame Bestattung, kein gemeinsames Singen oder Essen… Statt dessen: easy! Jeder für sich und doch zur selben Zeit feiern wir HaWos Leben und seine Auflösung.

Gestalte die Feier auf deine eigene Weise, bspw. in Stille oder indem du HaWos Lieblingsmusik zuhörst.

Oder, du liest hier unten sein Lieblingszitat: Easy is right von Osho.
Diese taoistische Weisheit hat sein ganzes Leben durchtränkt.

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Osho und Chuang Tzu prägen sein Leben

Wenn der Schuh passt
ist der Fuß vergessen…

Osho-Zitat über HaWos Lebenslinie: ‚Leicht ist richtig‘.
Wenn du kein Englisch verstehst, versuche es mit Google Translate.
(Ich weiß nicht, obs auf allen Geräten und Browsern funktioniert, doch klicke mal hier)

Chu’i the draftsman could draw more perfect circles
freehand than with a compass.
His fingers brought forth spontaneous forms from nowhere.
His mind meanwhile was free and
without concern with what he was doing.
No application was needed,
his mind was perfectly simple and knew no obstacle.

So, when the shoe fits, the foot is forgotten;
when the belt fits, the belly is forgotten;
and when the heart is right, “for” and “against” are forgotten.

No drives, no compulsions, no needs, no attractions:
then your affairs are under control.
You are a free man.

Easy is right.

Begin right and you are easy.
Continue easy and you are right.

The right way to go easy is to forget the right way
and forget that the going is easy.


„For you the case is just the opposite. You always choose the difficult because the difficult gives you a challenge and challenge gives you the ego. Difficult is right for you; easy is never right. Because with the easy there is no conquering, the ego cannot feel fulfilled. The more difficult a task, the more the ego feels exhilarated, ecstatic.

It has to be done – Everest has to be conquered, the moon has to be conquered.

Somebody asked Edmund Hillary who was the first to reach the top of Everest: Why? Why so much effort? For a hundred years man has been trying and trying and many have died! They never came back. Why this desire to climb Everest? And what is there? There is nothing! For a hundred years many people simply died, lost their lives, never came back, but again, every year, a group would go and try.

And this is beautiful: no Indian has ever bothered, and Everest is in India! No Tibetan has ever bothered, and Everest is on the boundary of Tibet! Why? Groups come from the West every year. When Hillary climbed it, and came back, he was asked:

He said:
Because Everest was there, and unless it is conquered, I cannot feel easy. It remains there, unconquered, a challenge to the ego. Just because it is there, it has to be conquered.

The difficult attracts. The more difficult it is, the more it attracts you. It becomes more valuable because through it, if you conquer, you will achieve a greater ego. Even if you fail, you will achieve a greater ego because you at least tried, while others have not tried at all.

If you achieve with the easy, nothing is achieved, because the ego cannot feel greater. And if you fail, much is lost, because everybody will say: Such an easy thing, and you couldn’t achieve it?

Ego is always attracted magnetically to the difficult, but EASY IS RIGHT. So ego is never attracted towards the right, it is always attracted towards the wrong.

A person becomes a criminal because crime is difficult, a person becomes a politician because politics is difficult, a person becomes mad about money because making money is difficult. For anything that is difficult, people will go mad. Not that anything is achieved, but just because it is there like an Everest, a challenge, it has to be conquered.

Look at your successful people, those who have succeeded. Look at them! What have they attained? They may have reached Everest, okay, but there is nothing there. One has to come back. Look at your presidents, prime ministers, Rockefellers, what have they achieved? Nothing! They know deep down that they have achieved nothing.

But one thing they have done, the most difficult thing – history will remember them. History always remembers foolish people, because fools make history and fools write it!

Chuang Tzu makes no history, because EASY IS RIGHT. So how can you make history if you are easy? If you win a war and kill millions of people you make history. If you just brush your teeth in the morning how can you make history?


You take a bath, and you sing a little song, how can you make history? You eat your food and you silently go to sleep without any dreams. How can you make history? No! History takes no notice of persons who are easy and natural. History takes notice of people who are mad, obsessed with something, who create trouble in some way or the other.

And difficult is wrong, easy is right; be easy and don’t try to be in history. Leave it for fools and mad people, you just stay out of it. Because you cannot have both. Either you can have life, or you can be remembered in history. If you have life, you will be just an easy and simple man, doing simple and small things, and enjoying them. You will not create any trouble for anybody, nobody will take any notice of you; you will exist as if you never existed.

That is what easy is – existing as if you are not existing, existing as if you are not, not in anyone’s way. Nobody will know about you but there is no need. You will enjoy, you will attain to the highest peak of ecstasy.


And this is the criterion:
Doing anything, if you feel easy doing it, it is right. If you feel uneasy doing it, something is wrong. If you are tense, it means you are living an uneasy life. If you cannot sleep, cannot relax, cannot let go, it shows you are living an uneasy life – you are after difficult things, impossible things.

Change your style of life, you are on the wrong path. Begin right and you are always easy, begin right and you are always at rest – that is the criterion.

So always look at what happens when you do something: if you become peaceful, if you become restful, at home, relaxed, it is right. This is the criterion, nothing else is the criterion.

What is right for you may not be right for somebody else, remember that too. Because what is easy for you may not be easy for somebody else, something else may be easy for him. So there can be no universal law about it.

Every individual has to work it out for himself. What is easy for you? Don’t listen to the world, because there are people who would like to impose their laws on you. These people are enemies, criminals. Nobody who has understood life would like to impose anything on you. He will simply help you to be easy so that you can find what is right for you.


And then live in such a way that you are always easy. Just like a small child, sleeping happily, eating happily, dancing happily, bubbling with energy – just easy. Remember, nobody will take any notice of you. People may even think you are mad. Because if you are serious, they think you are valuable, if you go on laughing and you make your life fun they think you are a fool. Let them think.

You be a fool, but be easy. Don’t be a wise man and uneasy, because no wisdom can flower in an uneasy life. That wisdom is false, it is borrowed. Be easy. And it is not difficult to be easy. Once you understand then you can find your path.


Beautiful is Chuang Tzu, incomparable is Chuang Tzu, unique is Chuang Tzu! Because he says: Continue EASY and YOU ARE RIGHT. He doesn’t say: Be non-violent, then you are right; be truthful, then you are right; don’t be angry, otherwise you will be wrong; don’t be sexual….

No! Nothing! He says: Be easy and continue easy, and you are right – and then you choose your own path. He gives you the essence, not particular directions, but just a universal truth.


Because if you are too concerned with the right way you will become uneasy. So even with Chuang Tzu be easy; otherwise you will become uneasy. And you are so efficient at becoming uneasy, that you can even turn Chuang Tzu into a madness.


Just forget. Be easy, that is all.


– that too! Otherwise you will become too attached to easiness, and then easiness will also become a rock on your chest. If you go to Chuang Tzu and say: Now I have become easy. He will say: Go, throw this! You are still carrying it. When you are easy, you are easy, no concept, no notion is made out of it. When you are easy, why say it, why even carry it? Because if you carry it, sooner or later it will become a wound.

An easy man is simply easy, and forgetful. He does not know that he is easy, he does not know that he is right, he does not know that he is valuable in any way. He simply lives his easiness.

And whenever you come to a person who lives his easiness easily, simply, without being aware, you will be able to smell it. Tension has its own smell and easiness has its own smell; but you may not be impressed by it. You are so tense, you are always impressed by tense people – people who act, people who are sitting on their thrones, like statues. Then you are impressed; the thing seems so difficult.

Are you impressed by a child? Do you look at a child playing? Nobody is impressed! Then you cannot be impressed by Chuang Tzu. Then you cannot be impressed by a really easy person because he may not make any impact on you.

But if you understand, you will smell a different vibration around a person who is easy. And how will you feel it? What will be the way?

The way will be that near a person who is easy you will also feel yourself becoming easier, more relaxed. A really relaxed man will make you relaxed, a tense man will make you tense. With a man who lives naturally you will feel that you are at home; he will not force you in any way, he will not try to change you in any way.

He will accept you, he will be accepting.

Through his acceptance you can learn acceptance and if you can accept yourself, nature takes over. And once nature takes over, the ocean is not very far, the river is constantly flowing towards it.“

Osho, When the Shoe Fits, #1

Copyright © Osho International Foundation – Trademark Information 
Osho ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen von OSHO International Foundation

Das liebt HaWo

Schönheit erkennen,
Fotos machen und
in lebendigen Farben erstrahlen lassen

8 Kommentare

  • Liebe Samarpan, Danke für die wunderschöne Zusammenstellung! Irgendwie bin ich erst jetzt wirklich dazu gekommen, alles in Ruhe anzuschauen, in mich aufzunehmen…bin begeistert ! So ein friedvoller freudiger ‚Abgang’…. So würde ich das auch ‚täten-haben-wollen‘ Ganz liebe Grüße, Atit

    • Sehr gerne, liebe Atit. Es war mir selbst wichtig, HaWos Schönheit und Lebendigkeit darzustellen, so kann ich mich immer an ihn erinnern, wenn ich das möchte.
      Ganz herzliche Grüße

  • Liebe Sarmapan!
    Alles was du über deinen Freund und euren Prozess geschrieben hast, hat mich sosehr berührt. Ich habe auch meinen Lebensgefährten verloren und war bis zum Schluss mit ihm im Hospiz .Auch ich habe diese große Liebe erlebt, die ich so nicht erwartet habe. Danke, meine Tränen fließen. Mein Freund geht mir ab und doch ,wenn ich sein Bild anschaue, hat es den Anschein, als ob er noch da ist, nämlich leiblich, kanns nicht verstehen, doch es ist so.
    Danke für alle deine Meditationen, sie helfen mir ,wenn der Schlaf nicht kommen mag, sie geben mir Ruhe.
    Von Herzen ein ganz großes Danke schön
    liebe Grüße

    • Liebe Gerda,
      ganz herzlichen Dank für deine offenen Zeilen. Die Liebe ist wunderbar, wenn man den anderen gehen lassen kann. Zumindest war das bei HaWo so. Vielleicht mache ich noch ein Folgevideo, in dem ich erzähle, wie es weiterging. Mal schaun. Ganz herzliche Grüße dir und guten Schlaf
      wünscht dir Samarpan

    • Gerne, liebe Pakhi, allerdings habe ich nicht das Gefühl, irgendwas gemacht zu haben. Es war easy! Und das ist nunmal right :)
      Es ist auch für mich eine Freude zu sehen, wie sich eine innere Gestalt herausgebildet hat. Ich habe es selbst genossen, mich in die Musik und Texte niederzulassen und habe das Gefühl, etwas Neues verstanden zu haben, bzw. etwas, was ich schon vorher wusste hat sich noch mehr vertieft. Danke Hawo, für dieses Geschenk.

    • Lieber Heyko,
      Freude! Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich, mögest du dein Leben wie HaWo in lebendiger Individualität verbringen. Ganz herzliche Grüße von Samarpan und Pakhi

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